
Contact the Advancement Committee at for a variety of Advancement opportunities!  Events are announced throughout the year and subject to volunteer availability.




Cub Scout Program and Scouts BSA Program Updates


Cub Scout Program

Over the past several years the National Cub Scouting Committee under the leadership of past chair Lisa Wylie and current chair Audrey Oakes has identified four areas to improve the Cub Scout program to ensure that it is fun, simple, and easy. Various changes are effective June 1, 2024.

These updates are based on feedback from over 23,000 parents and Cub Scout leaders through various surveys and data.  Listening to and identify the key opportunities to improve the program the National Cub Scout committee is excited to finally reveal these improvements.  Over the past year these improvements have been socialized to thousands of individuals with overwhelming support.

CLICK HERE for details of Cub Scout Program changes, effective 6/1/24.


Scouts BSA Program

As of January 1, 2024, the following changes to Scouts BSA requirements become effective.

Rank Requirements: There were minor changes to Scout (6), and Star (6). The Cyber Chip has been phased out. Scouts should use the Personal Safety Awareness training at for both Scout and Star ranks.

Merit Badge Requirements - Significant and Minor Content Changes - learn more here.

Eagle Palms: Scouts BSA will no longer have to wait three months between Eagle Palms. They will have to earn five additional merit badges, and live by the Scout Oath and Law.

CLICK HERE for details of Scouts BSA Program changes, effective 1/1/24.


Eagle Scout Candidates, check that you are using the below updated forms:

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, February 2023
This is version 2023a, which fixes some minor technical issues from version 2022.  Scouts who have already started preparing their workbook using the 2022 version may continue to use it. They do not need to redo it using the 2023 version.

Eagle Scout Rank Application, June 2022


All merit badge counselors are required to have the AB506 training certificate of completion and Live Scan background check on file.

Submit training certificate and Live Scan HERE.


In case you haven't heard...14th Eagle Scout rank-required merit badge: The Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
A total of 21 merit badges (10 more than required for the Life rank) must be earned for the Eagle Scout rank, including 14 specific merit badges. Citizenship in Society is the latest in this set of 14. All Eagle Scout Rank candidates must use only the below application, which includes this merit badge.

Eagle Scout Rank Application, June 2022


Become a Merit Badge Counselor for Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
Attention Scouters, parents/guardians and those wanting to help our youth! We urgently need adults willing to facilitate and guide our Scouts on the journey of discovery guided by the Citizenship in Society merit badge. As this merit badge will soon be a requirement for the rank of Eagle Scout, we will have many youth members looking to fulfill the requirements. More information here.


For Cub Scouts, from National BSA: Elective adventures are reviewed for content and popularity. These 19 have been the least popular based on sales and advancement data. They will be archived in Scoutbook and Internet Advancement, removing the ability to mark them as completed after the retirement date of May 31, 2022. These 19 adventures are not being replaced with a new set of elective adventures.
VHC Scout Shop has posted a list of these retiring adventures here.


Health Care Professions Merit Badge. The Health Care Professions merit badge debuts, replacing the Medicine merit badge.


Become a Merit Badge Counselor 

A Merit Badge Counselor is knowledgeable in the subject area of a specific Merit Badge by vocation, avocation, or special training. Merit Badge Counselor applicants mustmust submit the following to

Existing VHC Merit Badge Counselors who wish to counsel additional Merit Badges may turn in the Merit Badge Application only. AB506 training and Live Scan mentioned above are required.

Applicants may email the above forms to by the noted date on the monthly VHC Calendar.

Merit Badge Counselor Training

The Merit Badge Counselor is a key player in the Boy Scout advancement program. By serving as a Merit Badge Counselor, you offer your time, knowledge and other resources so that Scouts can explore a topic of interest.  Instructor-led Merit Badge Counselor Training will be offered occasionally, but it is always available online at under position-specific training for Boy Scout leaders.


VHC Annual Recognition Dinner and Awards

A special evening created to honor the best of the best.  This annual dinner honors and celebrates all of the previous year’s Eagle Scouts and the recipients of the Silver Beaver Award given to Scouters and volunteers who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service to the council.  We also present the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams Award for Outstanding Service Project of the Year and the Torch of Gold award which recognizes adults for exceptional service and leadership in working with Scouts who have disabilities.  This annual event is open to all and we encourage families to attend and celebrate the accomplishments of our Scouts and volunteers alike.


Merit Badge Opportunities

The Advancement Committee offers opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges at several events. Current cvents will be posted on the menu to the right. Scouts must complete prerequisites before attending.

Cyber Merit Badge Series

The Advancement Committee offers Merit Badge sessions virtually. Scouts must complete prerequisites and be prompt to sessions. Teleconference information is sent to registrants prior to the beginning of the series.

Merit Badge Mania

The annual Merit Badge event provides opportunities for Scouts to take classes on one, day-long Saturday.  Scouts who complete the prerequisites, identified by each Counselor in advance, can often earn two Merit Badges in one day.  This is a locally held event, lunch and snacks are provided.  It is always well attended and we try to offer classes not readily available as well as the more popular and requested choices.  Some examples are Coin Collecting, Collections, Landscape Architecture, Law, Music, Pulp and Paper, Plumbing, and Salesmanship.

Merit Badge Weekend

A weekend event held at Camp Verdugo Oaks, with Merit Badge sessions that are often difficult to complete and require more time.  Typically we offer Camping, Wilderness Survival, Hiking, First Aid, Environmental Science, Swimming and Archery.  Every year is different and we encourage Scouts to join us for a full weekend of Merit Badge work and add two nights of camping towards your rank advancement.


File Name Description
BSA ADULT Application & Disclosure Consent Form Fillable. April 2023 version. Prior versions of these documents will be accepted as long as correct signatures and the correct background check disclosure form is included. Download
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, Feb2023 This is version 2023a, which fixes some minor technical issues from version 2022. Scouts who have already started preparing their workbook using the 2022 version may continue to use it. They do not need to redo it using the 2023 version. Download
VHC Merit Badge Counselor Application (August 2022) Fillable. Please return completed application with all listed paperwork items to Download
VHC Merit Badge Counselor Guidelines Merit Badge Counselor applicants must review in full. Download