Camporee 2024

Camporee is a Council-wide annual event designed to emphasize the patrol method, allow Scouts to put their outdoor skills to use, and test how well patrols work together while competing against other Scout patrols. Teamwork is essential for success!


Verdugo Hills Council

Camporee 2024

At its core, the Olympics are more than just a series of competitions; they are a grand celebration of athletic achievements, different cultures, and global camaraderie. Through the Olympics, we see that with passion, hard work, and resilience, anything is possible!

Now we are bringing the Olympics to Camp Verdugo Oaks! In the spirit of the Olympics and healthy competition: We will test your patrol’s abilities with a series of rigorous yet fun competitions including Air Rifle, Action Archery, our C.O.P.E. Course and other challenging activities to see who will GO FOR THE GOLD!


Friday, October 11th through Sunday, October 13th
Camp Verdugo Oaks

$30 per participant - Registration by PATROL only. No provisional Scouts.
$30 per Camporee staff member


Registration is restricted to Scoutmasters or other adult leaders signing up a group of Scouts on the troop Tentaroo account as a patrol. Scoutmasters, download the Tentaroo Registration Guide - VHC Camporee 2024  below.
If you are a Scout or parent of a Scout who wants to participate, talk to your Scoutmaster about a patrol sign up.



1.) View the Tentaroo Registration Guide - VHC Camporee 2024  below.

2.) Contact Camping and Activities Registar Wendy Tateishi to register your patrol. You must provide the following:

  • Troop # and Council
  • Tentaroo Account Username
  • Name of Scoutmaster
  • Number of Youth Participants
  • Number of Adult Participants
  • Serious allergies, dietary restrictions, and special needs of participants.
  • Indicate any needs your patrol will have, or if your unit is helping with this event.

3.) All payments due upon registration.



  1. Familiarize yourself with the "Scout Olympiad" Camporee Handbook.
  2. Forms must be completed in full, including the Annual Health and Medical Forms (A, B1, B2).



Complete registration here: CAMPOREE STAFF REGISTRATION


Registration closes 11:59pm, October 9th and is available only by PATROL. Scoutmasters, contact Camping and Activities Registar Wendy Tateishi to register your patrol. View the Tentaroo Registration Guide - VHC Camporee 2024  below.


File Name Description
"Scout Olympiad" Camporee Handbook 2024 Download
Annual Health & Medical Record Forms - A, B1, B2 REQUIRED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS and ACCOMPANYING ATTENDEES: Fillable form for this event. Download
Tentaroo Registration Guide - CAMPOREE 2024 Verdugo Hills Council uses a registration system called Tentaroo. Tentaroo is particular to each council: if your patrol is from a council outside of VHC that also uses Tentaroo, a VHC Tentaroo account must be created. This guide includes Account Creation, Registration, Payment (registration is not complete until payment is finalized), and Adding More Participants After Payment. Download
VHC Camporee 2024 Flyer Share with troops and crews. Must register as a patrol only, no provisional Scouts. Download